The rtpdir bridge - to bridge EchoLink, IRLP, D-Star and Asterisk
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/rtpDir/ by Scott, KI4LKF
This group was set up to host the RtpDir bridge software(Real Time Protocol Director).
RtpDir is a VoIP software for Amateur(ham) operators. It can also be used on other bands, Government, commercial and private nets, or direct user to user without any radios connected.
If a band requires an FCC license, it is the responsibility of the end-user to obtain one. rtpDir runs on Linux or Windows platforms. NEW FEATURE: *Asterisk*/app_rpt PBX interface. There are 3 versions: Linux GUI, Windows GUI, Linux(text mode).
It can be used on the Amateur bands, Government, commercial and private nets,
or direct user to user without any radios connected.
If a band requires an FCC license, it is the responsibility of the end-user to obtain one.
3 versions: Linux GUI, Windows GUI, Linux (text mode).
To download, click on "Files".
Basic features:
Bridges and RX/TX from/to D-Star, Asterisk/app_rpt, IRLP, Echolink, Speak-Freely.
Create and operate your own private VoIP net.
Full-featured IRLP and Echolink node(link, repeater, ...).
Multiple Asterisk, Echolink nodes are accepted even when an IRLP node is connected.
Basic features:
* Runs as Echolink/Echolink conference, IRLP reflector/Echolink conference, Echolink+IRLP, private net.
* Accepts *Asterisk*/app_rpt connections
* Can transmit to *Asterisk*,IRLP,Echolink using computer mic or radio
* Graphical environment.
* DTMF control from Windows or Linux
* Control your Asterisk nodes directly using IRLP DTMFs.
* Control your IRLP node directly using Asterisk DTMFs
* Remote text command control using ssh/Linux or PuTTY/Windows.
* Can TX/RX IRLP messages without the IRLP board.
* Any station can connect to rtpDir bridge. It does not have to be IRLP or Echolink
* GSM, ADPCM, LINEAR codecs are supported.
* Protocol conversion between IRLP, Echolink and *Asterisk*/app_rpt
* ADPCM, u-Law, GSM, AMBE(with DVSI chip) codec transcoders included.
* Protocol conversion between D-Star, Asterisk/app_rpt, IRLP, Echolink, Speak-Freely.
* DTMF processing internal(built-in) or External(hardware).
* Morse code IDs or Voice.
* COS "sensing" or VOX or both.
* Support for all link interfaces(sound mode or ASCII mode, VA3TO, WB2REM, G3VFP, G4CDY,...Rigblasters, MFJ, SignalLink,...)
* No need to buy the Asterisk URI board or modify a USB sound fob.
* No need to buy the IRLP board.
* Mark a station as "Mute", "Deaf" or "Mute and Deaf".
* Timeouts for login, download, connection.
* Activity reporting.
* Audio recording and playback.
* RF station identification(audio, CW).
* Welcome message(audio, CW or text).
* Recording, playback and controlled announcements.
* Convert text to CW.
* Runs as server or client.
* Interfaces with external scripts.
* Runs with or without a soundcard.
* Audio signal strength indicator.