A couple years ago Will Payne, N4YWK was on a quest to graph some of the historic growth of repeaters.
I helped provide some of the data for him. But more recently I wanted to take a look at 70 centimeter ATV growth.
That of course lead to more counting as I wanted to look at the 900 MHz band in light of Alino's announcement that they intend to release a HT capable of 900 MHz. The DJ-G29T.
Link to the FCC OET Papers:
I've been exploring 900 MHz since 2008.
I think it's one of the still steadily growing bands out there that can be a lot of fun.
I had no intentions of buying a new HT any time soon, but the DJ-G29T is certainly changing my mind on that. I have wanted a frequency agile radio with a VFO for 900 MHz for a long time. I believe Alinco will be the first ham manufacture of a 900 MHz HT.