Monday, October 19, 2009

ARRL Approves Study Committee to Research & Develop Plan for Narrowband


Minutes of the 2009 Second Meeting
ARRL Board of Directors

Teleconference July 17-18, 2009

29. On motion of Mr. Sarratt, seconded by Mr. Frenaye, the following resolution was ADOPTED:

WHEREAS, there is current substantial amateur radio movement, activity, and innovation in the digital narrowband area; and

WHEREAS, the FCC has mandated that by 2013 commercial radio move to narrowband channels and Amateur Radio manufacturers normally follow commercial practices; and

WHEREAS, the VHF/UHF Amateur Radio band plan currently uses 15 and 20 kHz FM channels; and

WHEREAS, with the increasing use of narrowband across the country amateurs are placing and using narrowband equipment outside the repeater subband because there is no real place to fit the narrowband pairs; and

WHEREAS, for ARRL to remain a respected leader in technology, we must be actively involved in innovative solutions to problems by bringing about a productive discussion on a technical paradigm shift; now

THEREFORE, the President shall appoint a study committee for the purpose of research and to consider developing a plan to move the US amateur community to narrowband channel spacing.

I would be in favor of this IF it meant there was some thought behind it. It would be nice to clear a few ~50 KHz wide channels on 2 meters for higher speed data applications. This of course should go hand in hand with some other modernized regulations.

Promoting narrow band just so we can accommodate more repeaters (more of the same) is a poor reason. Perhaps if there was less effort to squeeze in more repeaters, this would promote exploration of other bands.